Greater interactive nuance is a theme that runs throughout Below Zero. But the guaranteed fan-favourite is the Sea Monkey, a cheeky anthropomorphic critter whose behaviour ranges from mild nuisance to actively helping you out in small ways. These can be inhaled provided you avoid the wrasse-like brinefish, who follow Hole-fish around and can freeze you with a blast of ice-cold saltwater. Between the edible small-fry and the terrifying Leviathan-class beasts are more eclectic creatures like the Titan Hole-fish, which traps potentially life-saving air-bubbles in its doughnut-shaped body. As with its biomes, Below Zero's plant and animal life is almost entirely new, but it's also more nuanced in terms of how you can interact with them. That said, Below Zero remains better where it's wetter.
It's a big improvement over Subnautica's limited land exploration. (Image credit: Unknown Worlds Entertainment)